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Zero Dark Thirty Being Compared To An Akira Kurosawa Movie

Considering Kathryn Bigelow's last film was The Hurt Locker, her upcoming movie, Zero Dark Thirty, has a lot riding on it. To act as a follow up to the 2010 Best Picture winning film is a daunting task but one that Zero Dark Thirty certainly looks capable of accomplishing.

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Considering Kathryn Bigelow’s last film was The Hurt Locker, her upcoming movie, Zero Dark Thirty, has a lot riding on it. To act as a follow up to the 2010 Best Picture winner is a daunting task but one that Zero Dark Thirty certainly looks capable of accomplishing.

Following the hunt for Bin Laden, and starring a superb cast that boasts names like Joel Edgerton, Jessica Chastain, Edgar Ramirez, James Gandolfini Mark Strong and Kyle Chandler, the film is shaping up to be a likely Oscar contender and could experience the same success as its predecessor.

Recently, while speaking to Collider, Oscar nominated composer Alexandre Desplat said that despite Sony marketing Zero Dark Thirty as an action film, “it’s more like a Japanese Kurosawa movie.” He then went on to praise the director and the film, saying that “it’s the best thing that she has ever done. It’s fabulous; she’s a master director. She’s a genius, it’s a film that’s incredible.”

Of course, it’s not like Desplat is going to say anything negative about Bigelow or her film, especially since his name is in the credits as well, but still, comparing her to Kurosawa is high praise indeed and I have no reason to doubt his enthusiasm about the project. Bigelow is a talented director and with compelling subject material and a strong ensemble cast, there’s no reason anyone should be doubting the director’s Hurt Locker follow up.

Zero Dark Thirty opens on December 19th, 2012.