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We Got This Covered’s Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies Of All-Time

If there’s one cinematic genre that transcends the humdrum of everyday life, it’s science fiction. Whether it’s exploring the altered nature of our own Pale Blue Dot in another timeline or venturing out into a galaxy far, far away, no other category in Hollywood cinema captures the imagination in such a way.

1) Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back

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Star Wars: Episode V- The Empire Strikes Back completely changed all views on what science fiction could be. It has turned into a permanent part of our culture, and has influenced almost every single film that has come after it in some fashion. Many of those who initially saw it in theaters have regarded it as a part of their life ever since, and as the generations pass, the film has no less of an impact than it first did.

When making Episode IV, many involved thought they were simply making a B-movie set in space. By the time the sequel rolled around, everyone knew exactly what they were working with, and it showed. In Episode IV, we were introduced to all our heroes and villains, and got to see them interact in a thrilling story. By the time the greatest sequel of all time rolled around, they had fully come into their own as the most memorable sci-fi characters ever. The characters, coupled with the phenomenal story, easily makes Empire the greatest sci-fi movie of all time. If you disagree, just search your feelings, you’ll find you know it to be true.

Few scenes are as intense as the opening on Hoth. After being ambushed by a monstrous wampa, Luke is left to die on the frozen wasteland of a planet. While he is fading in and out of consciousness, Obi-Wan appears to him and tells him to go to Dagobah and train under Yoda. Luckily, before his death, he’s saved by Han, who cuts open a dead tauntaun in order to use its warmth to save Luke. And I thought they smelled bad on the outside.

Then the battle of Hoth begins, with giant AT-ATs sent in by Darth Vader to capture the Rebel base. Luke does some fancy fighting, but ultimately the Empire is victorious, sending our heroes off into space once again.

Not to be forgotten are the wonderful training scenes on Dagobah with Yoda. From Yoda’s introduction where he pretends to be a insignificant native, to when Luke sees the vision of his head in Vader’s helmet, the scenes on the small swamp planet are some of the best of the entire trilogy.

This is also the movie where we’re introduced to a major fan-favorite in Lando Calrissian. Han and Lando are old friends, going way back, but that doesn’t stop Lando from turning them over to Vader to prevent the takeover of his city. Lando’s intentions are good, and he ends up helping the Rebels, though he’s not able to do much for his longtime friend who is frozen in carbonite as a test for what Vader later plans to do to Luke.

Of course, the most memorable part Empire Strikes Back has to be the epic duel between Luke and Vader over the central air shaft of Cloud City. Their lightsaber battle is intense, but it ends abruptly when Vader cuts of Luke’s hand, leaving Luke clutching to a post with his one good hand for his life. It’s at this point that Vader reveals that he never killed Luke’s father, but rather he is Luke’s father, serving as one of the greatest, and most shocking plot twists of all time.

Due to it’s lasting impact on those who’ve seen it, the cultural permanence it has maintained, and the way Empire Imperial Marched its way into the hearts and lives of millions of sci-fi fans worldwide, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest science fiction movie of all time.