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For Your Consideration Screenplays: Round 2

We've already seen Universal release screenplays that they think have a shot going into awards season. Many have questioned their judgment on one or two of these (Snow White and the Huntsman? Really???), however they also chose to put up some interesting choices like Judd Apatow's This is 40 and Tom Hooper's upcoming adaptation of Les Miserables (which unfortunately has still not been put back up).

We’ve already seen Universal release screenplays that they think have a shot going into awards season. Many have questioned their judgment on one or two of these (Snow White and the Huntsman? Really???), however they also chose to put up some interesting choices like Judd Apatow’s This is 40 and Tom Hooper’s upcoming adaptation of Les Miserables (which unfortunately has still not been put back up).

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Today we have ten more of these “for your consideration” screenplays for your reading pleasure. The first two, which come from Focus Features, are Wes Anderson’s quirky comedy-drama Moonrise Kingdom and the animated film ParaNorman. I enjoyed the former quite a bit, though I felt it wasn’t quite on the level of some of Anderson’s previous work, but the latter I felt was lacking a bit in the story department.

The next two, coming from Lionsgate, are Arbitrage and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Arbitrage was a rather interesting film, making you think it’s going to be about one thing before throwing in something else entirely different to mix with it. I’m sorry to say that I still have not gotten to see Perks, though I plan to rectify that sometime in the near future.

Up next are Sony Pictures Classic‘s selections, Celeste and Jesse Forever and Smashed. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten a chance to see either of these, though I’ve heard some pretty good things about both. Smashed particularly interests me because of the chance to see Aaron Paul do something outside of Breaking Bad.

The final four come from Fox Searchlight and are the latest additions. The studio is offering up The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Beasts of the Southern Wild, The Sessions, and Hitchcock. Marigold was a fine story, but was more noteworthy for the outstanding cast assembled for the film that included Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, and Maggie Smith.

I recently had a chance to screen The Sessions, and aside from some good performances and a good dose of humor, there wasn’t much to the film, though most people seem to be enjoying it quite a bit. As for Beasts and Hitchcock, I haven’t gotten to see either yet, though I hear the former is outstanding and has a good shot at a Best Picture nomination in the future.

To access these screenplays, simply click the link under each studio’s name to go to their awards site where you can download your very own copies. Happy reading!