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Christopher Nolan Wants No Part Of A Justice League Movie

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DC fans who were hoping Christopher Nolan would would take the helm of a Justice League movie received some sad news this weekend as the director has stated that he will not continue working with Batman in any form.

Entertainment Weekly reported that Nolan has no interest in being involved with a Justice League film or with any more solo Batman projects:

“No, none at all,” Nolan said. “We’re finished with all we’re doing with Batman. This is the end of our take on this character.”

Nolan spoke of the reboot not as something he was opposed to, but as an inevitable step for the character:

“Batman will outlive us all, and our interpretation was ours. Obviously, we consider it definitive and kind of finished. The great thing about Batman is he lives on for future generations to reinterpret, and obviously, Warners will have to decide in the future what they’re going to do with him,” Nolan said. “We’ve had our say on the character.”

Many had hopes that Nolan would be involved with at least producing, if not directing, the Justice League film. After all, he’s serving as a producer on Man of Steel, so why not work on Justice League too?

We already knew Nolan wasn’t interested in another Batman movie, but there was still hope that he would want to do something to leave his mark on the Justice League. Based on what the director has said though, fans can now give up hope.

If Warner really does want to reboot Batman before making an attempt at a Justice League movie, the director they choose will have some incredibly big shoes to fill, as everything about the reboot will certainly be compared to Nolan’s movies.

The director has taken the character from, what many view as, ridiculous, poorly made films, to one of the most epic trilogies of all-time. Just look at the contrast between Batman & Robin and Batman Beginswhich were released a mere 8 years apart.

A Justice League movie would certainly do well in the wake of The Avengers, but will fans really tolerate a new Batman interpretation this soon after the incredible films that Nolan has made?