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Christoph Waltz Needs Therapy In New Clip From The Zero Theorem

Despite anything that Zack Snyder might say or do, he has apparently failed to save us from the Terry Gilliams of this world. Those guys continue to make movies like they are independent entities out of Snyder's control! The latest of these films is The Zero Theorem, a futuristic tale of dystopia and the nature of existence that is not, as we know, based on a graphic novel.


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Despite anything that Zack Snyder might say or do, he has apparently failed to save us from the Terry Gilliams of this world. Those guys continue to make movies like they are independent entities out of Snyder’s control! The latest of these films is The Zero Theorem, a futuristic tale of dystopia and the nature of existence that is not, as we know, based on a graphic novel.

The most recent clip from Gilliam’s The Zero Theorem features star Christoph Waltz as Qohen, the reclusive computer genius tasked with solving the titular theorem. Qohen’s going through a rough patch, though, and seeks some advice from his personalized home shrink, played with a healthy dose of smiling creepiness by Tilda Swinton. The clip is short and sweet and, like everything else that we’ve seen of this film, has that well-known Gilliam mis-en-scene. Whether the film will be a hit or a miss for the oft-difficult director remains to be seen, but I think we can all agree to being a little intrigued.

Meanwhile, Terry Gilliam has thrown a counterpunch in his boxing match with Snyder. Taking to his Facebook feed, Gilliam addressed Snyder’s comment that the director made Watchmen to “save it from the Terry Gilliams of this world.” Here’s what Gilliam said in response:

…here’s a puzzle: Who are ‘The Terry Gilliam’s of the world’? Apparently the film of The Watchmen was made to save it from them. Who are they? What threat to the world do they pose? Can we stop them before they destroy other films of graphic novels?

Certainly the kind of snarky response that we expect from a member of the Monty Python troupe.

I have no doubt that we’ll hear some more from Gilliam on the Snyder fight when he begins making the rounds for The Zero Theorem. This one is far from over, so buy some popcorn and sit back as we witness an old-fashioned directors’ feud.

While we wait for the next round, you can check out the latest clip and new images from The Zero Theorem below. Then, let us know what you think about it, and the Gilliam/Snyder battle, in the comments.

The Zero Theorem opens in the UK March 14, with no US release date yet.