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Chris Evans Talks A Thor 2 Cameo And Anna Kendrick’s Involvement In Captain America 2

If Marvel Studios is known for anything these days (aside from thundering financial success that is) it’s their exceptional planning skills. They've mapped out their universe and its six (and counting) films, culminating in the completion of “Phase One” with The Avengers.

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If Marvel Studios is known for anything these days (aside from thundering financial success that is) it’s their exceptional planning skills. They’ve mapped out their universe and its six (and counting) films, culminating in the completion of “Phase One” with The Avengers.

So, it should come as no big surprise that though it’s Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World that are next on the docket for releases (May 2013 and November 2013 respectively), Marvel is already looking ahead to Captain America: The Winter Solider (for 2014).

In a recent interview with Collider, star Chris Evans chatted the upcoming superhero sequel, a potential for a new character to be added and a cameo in Thor: The Dark World.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier has already been hinted at as being the first real examination of Steve Rodgers adapting to modern life after being put on ice for a couple decades. There were deleted scenes from The Avengers that showed some of his struggles but they were, as suggested, deleted. Although, they will appear on the Blu-Ray release.

On why those sequences were removed, Evans essentially confirmed what has been speculated.

“A lot of that stuff [that was cut] is for CaptainAmerica2.  That is his story.  It is him trying to on a personal level adjust to the fact that everyone he knows is gone and the whole Peggy Carter of it all.  There are a lot of things that he kind of has to come to terms with.  So I don’t know.  I am excited to kind of see flashes of the first Captain, if you know what I mean, and to see his memory of what we now know as an audience of who he was.”

On the Peggy Carter front, actress Hayley Atwell has already teased a returning role in “The Winter Soldier.” Presumably, if true, such a role would be relegated to flashbacks of WWII (unlike Sebastian Stan’s Bucky Barnes who will make his modern appearance as the titular assassin).

Such hearsay takes on more credibility thanks to Ain’t It Cool News, where it was suggested that Anna Kendrick from the “Twilight” series, 50/50 and Up in the Air had been cast as Sharon Carter, the niece of Cap’s feisty wartime love interest.

When asked about such casting news, Chris Evans slyly ducked the question, meaning it really is too far ahead for such things, or AICN dug up something of worth.

“All I know is that I can’t really say anything. Sorry, man.”

In the comics, Sharon Carter becomes an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. known as Agent 13, who becomes a love interest of Captain America. In lieu of Peggy Carter being frozen herself, “The Winter Solider” will need a new object of affection for Steve Rodgers and what better way to do it than with a prominent comic book character.

Kendrick would not confirm the news either but expect more rumours to surface as things ramp up for the sequel, which will begin shooting in Spring of next year, possibly after the long-speculated Ant-Man. Rumours, rumours everywhere.

Click below for news on Chris Evan’s potential Thor: The Dark World cameo.