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Chris Evans And Jared Leto Eyed For Leading Roles In The Girl On The Train

According to a new report, Chris Evans (Avengers: Age of Ultron) and Jared Leto (Suicide Squad) are being eyed for roles in The Girl On The Train.

Evans Leto

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It’s going to take a long time for so-called superhero fatigue leads to a Marvel/DC crossover movie featuring both Captain America and The Joker, but the actors behind those iconic comic book roles are about to team-up in a very different kind of project. Both Chris Evans (Avengers: Age of Ultron) and Jared Leto (Suicide Squad) are being eyed for the lead make roles in The Girl on the Train.

The movie is an adaptation of Paula Hawkins’ bestselling novel, and already has three confirmed cast members in Emily Blunt (Sicario), Rebecca Ferguson (Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol) and Haley Bennett (The Equalizer).

Blunt is playing Rachel in the film, a woman who fantasizes during her daily commute about the seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes every day, until she sees something shocking happen there one morning and becomes entangled in the mystery that unfolds.


Ferguson, meanwhile, will play Anna, who is married to Rachel’s ex-husband (Evans), and Bennett will play Megan, a married neighbour who goes missing. Leto meanwhile is being eyed to play Bennett’s husband, Scott.

As of right now, the only thing which will potentially stop Leto and Evans from starring in The Girl on the Train are scheduling issues. If the deals can be made though, this is one heck of an impressive cast and will certainly skyrocket the film to the top of our most-anticipated list.

Tell us, would you like to see Jared Leto and Chris Evans join The Girl On The Train? Sound off below!