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Chinese Social Media Post Fuels Rumors Of Warcraft Sequel

Is Legendary cooking up a Warcraft sequel? The film's Chinese social media account certainly thinks so.

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It was positioned as The Beginning of a budding new franchise at Legendary Entertainment, but since Warcraft‘s lowly performance at the domestic box office – a performance that still cements its status as the most successful video game adaptation in history – sequel chatter has understandably cooled.

How and ever, given almost 90 percent of Warcraft‘s total box office haul hailed from international audiences, it’s hardly surprising that the first flicker of hope has emerged from overseas. China, to be specific, where microblogging website Weibo – acting as the official social media account for Jones’ blockbuster – hinted that although Warcraft‘s theatrical run has come to a close, this is simply the end of the beginning.

It’s by no means a confirmation, and until Legendary officially pin down sequel plans, take this one with a pinch of Deeprock salt. Translation via Reddit:


Though it was quickly chalked up as one of the early flops of the blockbuster season, there’s still hope for Warcraft‘s future. Duncan Jones has long expressed his desire to return to Azeroth in the not-so-distant future, just as soon as he steers long-gestating passion project Mute before the cameras, but will Legendary take heed of this new development?

Warcraft: The Beginning marched out of a trying stint in production and onto the silver screen earlier this year, where it was met with divisive reviews. Exactly where Legendary take the series from here on out is up for question, but it could well be that its international haul eventually warrants a sequel in the vein of, say, Pacific Rim 2.