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Check Out A Five Second Tease For X-Men: Days Of Future Past

It's hard to tell what's going on in a five second long teaser trailer about a movie with approximately 4,000 characters in it, but the newest bit of footage released for Bryan Singer's upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past does the best it can.


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It’s hard to tell what’s going on in a five second long teaser trailer about a movie with approximately 4,000 characters in it, but the newest bit of footage released for Bryan Singer’s upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past does the best it can.

In the clip, we see a lot of familiar faces turning and looking concerned, as if to say “There’s some serious action going down here.” Among the familiar faces turning and looking concerned are Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Michael Fassbender, James MacAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence and a man with a screaming metal face (probably because it’s covered in metal and that’s just hard for anybody to cope with). A lot is riding on this superhero sequel, so 20th Century Fox is likely wise to be jumping into promotional teases this early in the year.

On the heels of the success of Matthew Vaughn’s X-Men: First Class, Singer finds himself back at the helm of one of the hottest hero properties in Hollywood, one which has found new energy and enthusiasm among fans both thanks to First Class and last summer’s The Wolverine. With that great power comes a great responsibility to deliver a movie that fans and critics will love equally, though it looks like Singer is going to have at least one more chance to direct an X-Men movie no matter how this one does, as X-Men: Apocalypse has been announced, with a release set for 2016.

Check out the tiny trailer below and let us know what you think in the comments section. Is X-Men: Days of Future Past too big to fail, or will its massive cast and convoluted story cause it to collapse into some unsightly mess? With a film of this magnitude, there’s really no middle ground.

X-Men: Days of Future Past arrives on May 23rd.