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Brand New Shot Of Captain Marvel’s Controversially Colored Suit

Yesterday saw us get our first good look at Brie Larson in costume as Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel. In a departure from what some fans expected, however, her suit wasn't the familiar red, blue and gold ensemble from the comics, but a vivid green and black number. Naturally, this kicked off an enormous stink with quick Photoshops being produced to show us what people think she 'should' look like.

UPDATE: These photos have been removed. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Yesterday saw us get our first good look at Brie Larson in costume as Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel. In a departure from what some fans expected, however, her suit wasn’t the familiar red, blue and gold ensemble from the comics, but a vivid green and black number. Naturally, this kicked off an enormous stink with quick Photoshops being produced to show us what people think she ‘should’ look like.

Personally, I liked the green at first sight and I’m liking it a whole lot more now that I’ve seen the picture we have for you down below, which shows the detailing off beautifully. What I dig most about this is how appropriate it is to the 1990s period setting.

If you recall, the 90s weren’t the greatest time for superhero movies, with Joel Schumacher doing his damnedest to kill off the Batman franchise and the ludicrous sounding Nicholas Cage Superman project. To my eyes, this costume looks exactly like something a superhero in the mid-90s would wear, the garish color scheme, stylings and fit (not to mention that gloriously Mom-ish hairdo) just screaming 1990s style.

Check it out in the gallery below, along with the pics we got the other day, and let us know if you don’t agree.

Those who are still pining for more traditional Captain Marvel colors shouldn’t be too down in the dumps, as it’s been confirmed that she’ll appear in the unnamed sequel to Avengers: Infinity War and by that time, she’ll have had the best part of 20 years to get into more familiar and more contemporary duds. After all, eagle-eyed comics fans have noted that the original Captain Marvel, the alien Mar-Vell, dressed in green.

As of now, I can’t wait to see how Captain Marvel turns out. The House of Ideas seem determined to explore unseen parts of their universe over their next couple of films, and as far as I’m concerned, finding out what was going on in the MCU in the years before Iron Man rocked up in 2008 is worth the price of admission alone.