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Celebrate Skyfall With A New Bond Infographic

Thanks to the creative talents of TinyMaster, also known as Emma Price, James Bond's sexual escapades are lovingly preserved as an infographic, or as she aptly refers to it, "nymphographic."

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Over five tireless decades of service, the amorous activities of fiction’s most eligible and elusive bachelor (perhaps arguably, given the recent arrival of one Christian Grey), have spanned time and space and ruined women for any other the world across. And now it’s been documented.

Thanks to the creative talents of TinyMaster, also known as Emma Price, James Bond’s sexual escapades are lovingly preserved as an infographic, or as she aptly refers to it, “nymphographic.”

From the era of censors who would faint dead away at contemporary flexibilities, through the game-changing public health issue rendering such revelry a much riskier proposition (as if espionage weren’t enough!), to today’s new man unafraid to wrestle emotional torment and identity crisis, 007 has produced some very amusing stats (fully tallied and catalogued complete with icons, of course).

Interestingly, as Movieline’s Frank DiGiacomo wryly notes, the compendium is perhaps surprisingly vanilla, occurring most often in the venues common to “the average teenager’s sex life.” Well, perhaps after his rough and tumble workaday world, Bond just likes it a little less adventurous.

We look forward to TinyMaster’s update of the Skyfall placeholder.

Starring Daniel Craig in his third Bond outing and directed by Sam Mendes, Skyfall is currently playing in select markets and will make its wide release on Friday, November 9th.

In the meantime, check out Jonathan Lack’s Skyfall review here.

Source: Movieline

James Bond infographic by TinyMaster