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Even Captain Marvel Star Brie Larson Is Poking Fun At Cats

If social media attention was a reliable indicator of how many people actually went to see a movie, then Tom Hooper’s Cats would probably be a box office smash, given all the baffled responses and nightmarish clips that have been circulating Twitter lately.

Brie Larson

If social media attention was a reliable indicator of how many people actually went to see a movie, then Tom Hooper’s Cats would probably be a box office smash, given all the baffled responses and nightmarish clips that have been circulating Twitter lately.

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We’ve already seen a pretty vicious takedown from Westworld actress Evan Rachel Wood, who tweeted that she “thought it would be horrible” going in, but found the movie to be even worse than expected.

Now, it seems that Brie Larson of Captain Marvel fame has also dared to attend a screening. And despite showing a lot more restraint than many of her fellow Cats viewers, the actress has still managed to channel a lot of shock and bewilderment in just a few words.

In her recent tweet, the Oscar-winner shared a screenshot of a Fandango survey email that asks, “How did you like Cats (2019)?,” along with the following response:

“Where do I begin.”

For all the criticism that’s been thrown at Cats, you can’t say it hasn’t left an impression on pop culture, even if many of the Twitter users currently dunking on the movie haven’t actually got round to seeing it for themselves.

Indeed, the film’s instant so-bad-it’s-good cult following probably feels like small consolation to Universal Pictures, given that the feature has so far grossed just $37 million worldwide on an estimated budget of $95 million.

To really rub salt in the wound, even Cats cast member James Corden recently admitted on BBC Radio 2 that he still hasn’t seen the movie, though he added that he’s “heard it’s terrible.” At least Brie Larson took the time to give the flick a chance, and her bemused response might even encourage a few more filmgoers to find out what they’re missing.