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Captain America Star Chris Evans Refuses To Rule Out Running For Political Office

Could Captain America one day become President America? Chris Evans was an amazing Steve Rogers and has long been one of the more politically active MCU stars. Aside from commenting on all sorts of political positions he's also set up A Starting Point, whose mission it is to provide political facts without opinions. It's a laudable (if likely doomed) goal, especially the country as divided as it is right now.

Could Captain America one day become President America?

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Chris Evans was an amazing Steve Rogers and has long been one of the more politically active MCU stars. Aside from commenting on all sorts of political positions, he’s also set up A Starting Point, a website which provides opinions from both sides of the aisle without judgment on who’s right. It’s a laudable goal, especially with the country as divided as it is right now.

Evans has said that his interest in politics arose from looking at a problem and figuring out how he could help a little. Since then, he’s explained that he feels a sense of responsibility to use his fame and influence to try and improve things for ordinary Americans. That drive led many to wonder if it’d be too long before he dipped his toe into the political arena as a candidate.

The actor recently spoke about A Starting Point at the Web Summit technology conference, where the moderator asked him if he would run for office. He said it was unlikely but refused to rule it out, stating:

“I’m not sure if I have the stomach for that because I think you become cynical quick, you know what I mean? And I like being idealistic and hopeful. I don’t know. I think I’ll probably try to find other ways to help.”

But when pressed, he said the main thing holding him back is lack of experience, explaining:

“You never say never, but you know, the truth is — and this isn’t even trying to be fake humble — I don’t know enough. I can’t even think of an office that I would disrespect enough to assume I can waltz in and do it, so I’d have to put myself through some sort of class first. But right now, I don’t know think I have the tools.”

Actors running for office is nothing new in the US. Arnold Schwarzenegger served as Governor of California, Al Franken became Senator for Minnesota and, of course, Ronald Reagan went from starring alongside a chimp in Bedtime for Bonzo to serving two terms as President of the United States. Heck, if Evans is worried about a lack of political experience being a bar to office, then he need look no further than the current occupant of the White House.

Since he hung up his shield in Avengers: Endgame, the actor has pursued more low-key roles. He made his Broadway debut in Lobby Hero, receiving good notices for his performance and was extremely entertaining in Rian Johnson’s Knives Out. More recently, he’s been turning heads in Apple TV+’s Defending Jacob, playing a DA whose son is accused of murder.

Evans may yet return to the role of Captain America in some form, but perhaps one day we could see that famous shield occupying pride of place in the Oval Office. Stranger things have certainly happened.