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Bruce Willis Confirms Die Hard 6

Most people will tell you that the only things in life that are 100% for sure are death and taxes. While that may be true, I'll add one more thing to that list, and that's that A Good Day To Die Hard is going to be a box office success. With little competition, and a built in fanbase, the movie is going to make some big bucks and will no doubt bring in a healthy profit for the studio. Everyone knows this, including the franchise's star Bruce Willis, who has confirmed what we already expected: we'll be getting a Die Hard 6.

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Most people will tell you that the only things in life that are 100% for sure are death and taxes. While that may be true, I’ll add one more thing to that list, and that’s that A Good Day To Die Hard is going to be a box office success. With little competition on its opening weekend, and a built in fanbase, the movie is going to make some big bucks and will no doubt bring in a healthy profit for the studio. Everyone knows this, including franchise star Bruce Willis, who has confirmed what we already expected: we’ll be getting a Die Hard 6.

While on BBC’s One Show (viaBleedingCool), Willis confirmed the film, answering the question of whether there would be another film with a simple “yes.” Of course, nothing official has been announced by the studio, but there’s no reason to doubt Bruce.

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they keep making these films even after Willis is too old to play the role. They could easily hand the torch to Jai Courtney, who will be co-starring in A Good Day To Die Hard. Obviously, the series wouldn’t be the same without Willis but at the very least, the franchise’s goodwill could keep the money coming in.

Look, I’ll fully acknowledge that this franchise isn’t even close to what it once was, but still, the Die Hard films always provide solid entertainment and it’s hard not to enjoy watching Bruce Willis on screen and kicking ass. He’s extremely watchable, especially in this role. No matter how bad the films get, I’ll likely always still be open to checking them out, even if Willis is out of the picture.

A Good Day to Die Hard will open on February 14th. While you wait for the film to hit theatres, head down to the comments and let us know what you think of a Die Hard 6.