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Bridesmaids 2 Is A Possibility

Currently surprising moviegoers and studio execs everywhere is Bridesmaids. Reeling in strong reviews and respectable box office dollars, the film is a bonafide hit. It's not too surprising that Universal would want to order up a sequel, and according to Vulture, director Paul Feig is on board.

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Currently surprising moviegoers and studio execs everywhere is Bridesmaids. Reeling in strong reviews and respectable box office dollars, the film is a bonafide hit. It’s not too surprising that Universal would want to order up a sequel, and according to Vulture, director Paul Feig is on board. He seemed more than open to do  a sequel, saying the following:

“Who knows? I mean, it depends how we do in the next couple weeks, but I know there’s definitely … it’s already been brought up. So, um, you know, when you get a group that’s this deep and this good, it’s a crime to not use them again. You just want to make sure that you do it as well as you did the first one and try to make it better, even. So, we’re up for the challenge,” Feig said.

Star Melissa McCarthy also said that she would be on board for a potential sequel.

“I will show up wherever these guys tell me to go. If it’s a play in their backyard, I will gladly do it. I’ll do kids’ parties for them, I’ll do bar mitzvahs; I’m in,” she stated.

I’m sure Universal is more than thrilled with their sleeper hit and a sequel is just about inevitable. Likely the film will continue to see success at the box office and the only question that remains is will they go the sequel route or the spin-off route. This being a Judd Apatow film, a spin-off may be more likely. Only time will tell though.