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10 Things That Surprised Us At The Movies In 2014

It's that time again when every wannabe film critic writes a list describing their favorite movies of the year, often including films that haven't even been released to the general public yet. Isn't that beyond annoying? Fortunately for you, I'm not here to rank my personal favorites. I'll leave that to the millions of other movie critics out there.

6) X-Men: Days Of Future Past Undid The Mistakes Of X-Men: The Last Stand

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After X-Men: The Last Stand enraged comic enthusiasts with the deaths of fan favorites and a general decline in quality, First Class gave hope to audiences once more, giving the franchise a push in the right direction. Then, Days of Future Past went one better, successfully adapting one of the most iconic X-Men storylines while combining the two separate casts that had sprung from the original movies and the prequel.

The fact that Fox were able to take the complicated aspects of time travel and somehow retain the franchise’s accessibility is surprising enough, but what really shocked audiences this year was the revelation that the events of Days of Future Past had wiped out all of the previous continuity, erasing the mistakes of The Last Stand.

While the implications of this won’t be fully realized until Singer releases X-Men: Apocalypse in 2016, one thing we do already know is that founding members Cyclops and Jean Grey have been resurrected and will feature once again in future movies. The potential of this and other new developments following the continuity rewrite is hugely exciting for fans and also represents an exciting new approach to keeping franchises fresh and relevant.