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The Top 10 Indie Films Of 2013

It's more than a bit difficult to complain about how much of a struggle picking out my top ten indie films of 2013 turned out to be. Digitization and the internet are the modern filmmaker's best friend - who needs a major studio backer any more? Cinema has always been for the people, but in a joyous quirk of the Internet Age, it's now finally by the people as well.

[h2]2. Her[/h2]

her Film

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Wonderful. Beautiful. Loving. Miraculous. Spike Jonze’s bare-bones sci-fi romance is at once bizarre, familiar and utterly perfect. The director has somehow managed to make the tale of a man dating a computer programme into a love story simultaneously defined by and independent of our modern age.

Boasting a brilliant cast, loving cinematography and a trailer that brought numerous unsuspecting cinema punters to tears, it’s the kind of film that you don’t see very often. Cherish every second of it.

[h2]1. It’s Such a Beautiful Day[/h2]


Earlier this year Don Hertzfeldt, a wonderfully weird animator from Austin, Texas quietly released one of the greatest animated films of all time.

Weighing in at just over an hour, It’s Such a Beautiful Day chronicles one man’s mental collapse through crude yet bizarrely gorgeous stop-motion stick-figure animation. Touching upon everything from the universal fear of death to a guy eating a paper clip, it makes for one of the most understatedly poignant experiences ever committed to celluloid. Narrated alternately with deadpan hilarity and a quietly beautiful intelligence, it’s the perfect example of film taking the viewer to a higher level and leaving them weeping buckets in the process.

A mute, expressionless stickman named Bill swiftly becomes one of the most nuanced characters to grace modern fiction, not bad going for a guy who doesn’t even have knees.

Tell us, which indie films did you fall in love with in 2013? Let us know in the comments section below.