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The Top 10 Indie Films Of 2013

It's more than a bit difficult to complain about how much of a struggle picking out my top ten indie films of 2013 turned out to be. Digitization and the internet are the modern filmmaker's best friend - who needs a major studio backer any more? Cinema has always been for the people, but in a joyous quirk of the Internet Age, it's now finally by the people as well.

Mia Wasikowska in Stoker

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It’s more than a bit difficult to complain about how much of a struggle picking out my top ten indie films of 2013 turned out to be. Digitization and the internet are the modern filmmaker’s best friend – who needs a major studio backer any more? Cinema has always been for the people, but in a joyous quirk of the Internet Age, it’s now finally by the people as well.

The issue with such an embarrassment of riches is just how torturous it is narrowing down the cream of the crop. There are so many spectacular films that could so easily have been on this list (and likely will appear on many others) but have been tragically cut, and for that I apologise.

But make a list we must, and it’s been one hell of a year in indie cinema. So read on for our top 10 indie films of 2013. Hopefully you’ll find some gems on here that you missed last year.