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Best And Worst Remakes/Rip-Offs Of 2013

No one can deny that most movie studios in Hollywood occasionally run a little low on originality. Luckily for them, there's over a century of classic films that can provide inspiration for new ones... in addition to already-formed characters, plots and dialogue, if need be. So, it's never a surprise when a remake gets the green light - this year alone, we've had many. Now and then, one of these remakes is pretty good. Other times, a remake is bad or just utterly pointless. Sometimes, they're even masquerading as original films. Join us as we count off the top five best (and bottom five worst) remakes and rip-offs from the past year.

3. White House Down (RIP-OFF)

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white house down

Now, don’t get me wrong here – I’m not a huge fan of either of this year’s take-over-the-White-House action extravaganzas. And to be clear, both White House Down and Olympus Has Fallen are totally shameless Die Hard knock-offs. However, whether you’re viewing them both as rip-offs of that quintessential action classic or as Xeroxes of each other, I’ve got to give the edge to White House Down

While Olympus Has Fallen boasts an R-rating and Morgan Freeman, it lacks the sense of fun that director Roland Emmerich cultivates in White House Down. Both films have absurd premises (read: the same absurd premise), but only one of them truly commits to the ridiculousness of a full-scale takeover of the White House. Stars Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx maintain a fun, self-aware banter throughout, and James Vanderbilt’s script offers priceless moments like POTUS yelling, “Get your hands off my Jordans,” as he beats a mercenary into submission.

The Die Hard references are frustratingly frequent but, I’ll begrudging admit, well-executed. John Cale (Tatum) even sounds like John McClane as he fights a one-man war against terrorists in a large building filled with hostages. Like McClane, he has a loved one secretly on the inside, uses elevator shafts to evade his pursuers and provides snarky one-liners. Damn it, even the white tank top is exactly the same.

White House Down includes some groan-worthy moments and a predictable final third, but it does include a full-blown Obama substitute – Foxx’s President Sawyer chews Nicorette gum, courts controversy with his lack of military experience, is attempting to broker a peace deal while removing American troops from the Middle East and even shares a hair-cut with our current president. If nothing else, White House Down is the closest we’ll ever come (hopefully) to watching Obama wield a rocket-launcher.