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6 Actors Who Would Make A Better Batman Than Ben Affleck

I should start this off by pointing out that when I heard the news that Heath Ledger was playing The Joker in The Dark Knight, I was openly condemning him. Up until that point, outside of Brokeback Mountain, I had never really seen him transform himself as an actor, and didn't think of him in terms outside of Ten Things I Hate About You. For a moment I thought they were going to try to go the"cool, good-looking Joker" route, which in hindsight is very stupid of me, but I am telling you this for a reason. When I finally saw what the Joker looked like in that film, I was in awe, and that awe only tripled when I heard his drugged-out drawl and saw the odd, lip-licking mannerisms that Heath injected into that character.

[h2]Idris Elba[/h2]


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You know what, I dare you! I DARE YOU to come on here and give me ONE reason why this guy isn’t perfect for the role of Batman! Would any of you actually have the balls to say that he can’t play Batman because of race? Not only would I crucify you for that comment, but I hope most readers here would, too. What about Bruce Wayne’s character forces him into Caucasian nationality? He lives in the hood and has two dead parents who were shot in front of him. He was born into money, and whenever people offend him or break the rules, he goes medieval on their asses.

So again, why would Idris Elba NOT be perfect?

He is suave, and in the same breath, can obviously throw down when the time comes, so his skin color has nothing to do with it. He would be a perfect Batman and his race would only bring more nuances to the character. Truth is, I am kind of glad he isn’t Batman, though, because I am genuinely hoping Idris Elba becomes the new James Bond. Mark my words, that man is destined for big things.

So in closing, as a “journalist,” it is my job to bitch about decisions other people make, and to imply I could make better ones, only to eventually tuck my tail between my legs and admit I was wrong all along. And who knows, maybe Affleck will blow me away as Batman, and I will back here in a few years, telling you all what an ass I am. Only time will tell.