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6 Actors Who Would Make A Better Batman Than Ben Affleck

I should start this off by pointing out that when I heard the news that Heath Ledger was playing The Joker in The Dark Knight, I was openly condemning him. Up until that point, outside of Brokeback Mountain, I had never really seen him transform himself as an actor, and didn't think of him in terms outside of Ten Things I Hate About You. For a moment I thought they were going to try to go the"cool, good-looking Joker" route, which in hindsight is very stupid of me, but I am telling you this for a reason. When I finally saw what the Joker looked like in that film, I was in awe, and that awe only tripled when I heard his drugged-out drawl and saw the odd, lip-licking mannerisms that Heath injected into that character.

[h2]Anthony Bourdain[/h2]


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You DO know who Anthony Bourdain is, right? He is a sort of rockstar chef (who rarely cooks anymore), a writer, a world traveler, and a madman, who used to host No Reservations on the Travel Channel, but now he hosts Parts Unknown on CNN. Before any of you grab me by my bat cowl and drag me outside to Bane me over your knee, I need to say, I tested this theory out on my Twitter and Facebook, and it got a lot of love.

If you don’t know who Bourdain is, this idea might not work for you at all, but to anyone who is a fan of his, when I say this, their faces light up. He already has the worldly part down. He has the snarky, confident part down. He knows what it’s like to have to deal with strange, creepy, odd people, and he is a former addict, so he knows about loss and pain.

But on top of that, and the main factor that made me pick him is, he just seems like he could be motherf*cking Batman in real life. He is just one of those guys that has that kind of energy about him. Granted, would this Bruce Wayne be as “technically” handsome as the ones we are used to? No. But you know what? This is an older Batman, more experienced, more aware of his world and his own mortality, and for that reason alone, there would be no one more fitting to don that Batman cowl than Anthony Bourdain.