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6 Actors Who Would Make A Better Batman Than Ben Affleck

I should start this off by pointing out that when I heard the news that Heath Ledger was playing The Joker in The Dark Knight, I was openly condemning him. Up until that point, outside of Brokeback Mountain, I had never really seen him transform himself as an actor, and didn't think of him in terms outside of Ten Things I Hate About You. For a moment I thought they were going to try to go the"cool, good-looking Joker" route, which in hindsight is very stupid of me, but I am telling you this for a reason. When I finally saw what the Joker looked like in that film, I was in awe, and that awe only tripled when I heard his drugged-out drawl and saw the odd, lip-licking mannerisms that Heath injected into that character.

[h2]Colin Farrell[/h2]


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Okay, I can hear Bat-fanboys getting even more upset at this than Affleck, but come on? Farrell can play cool and detached quite well, which is needed for Wayne, and we have seen that he has all sorts of action movie chops, playing everything from a vampire to Jesse James. I also believe that Farrell would interject some sexuality into the character as well. I know that may sound a bit sassy, but really, Wayne is a playboy, and we can’t forget this. Hell, even Batman got it on with Catwoman IN COSTUME in a recent run on the comic, so anyone who feels the need to point out that Batman shouldn’t exude any kind of sexuality can take that issue up with far better and more successful writers than me, who’ve written him as such.

And I know what people will say next to detract from this. The height thing. People will TRY to tell me that Farrell is way too short to be able to pull off any kind of believable superhero frame, but I can shut those people down with some basic facts that anyone could find if they did five seconds of research.

Michael Keaton, who played a great Batman in the first few Tim Burton films is five feet, ten inches tall. I have never, not once, heard someone say anything about how Keaton was too small for the role. And wouldn’t you know it, Colin Farrell is five feet, ten inches tall.

Remember, a great many movie stars and action stars are smaller than you think. You are simply tricked by some basic filming techniques that work now and have always worked. I mean, think of Tom Cruise. The dude is like three feet tall, and yet he is cast in action movie after action movie, where, if the director pulled back, you would see Tom Cruise standing on a step ladder to throw a punch at a normal sized man. I kid you not.

So the height thing is a non-issue. This is about who would potentially make a cooler Batman than Ben Affleck, and I truly believe Colin Farrell would make a much cooler Batman.