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6 Actors Who Would Make A Better Batman Than Ben Affleck

I should start this off by pointing out that when I heard the news that Heath Ledger was playing The Joker in The Dark Knight, I was openly condemning him. Up until that point, outside of Brokeback Mountain, I had never really seen him transform himself as an actor, and didn't think of him in terms outside of Ten Things I Hate About You. For a moment I thought they were going to try to go the"cool, good-looking Joker" route, which in hindsight is very stupid of me, but I am telling you this for a reason. When I finally saw what the Joker looked like in that film, I was in awe, and that awe only tripled when I heard his drugged-out drawl and saw the odd, lip-licking mannerisms that Heath injected into that character.

[h2]Clive Owen[/h2]


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Hear me out, because I REALLY stand behind this choice. Clive Owen has EVERYTHING needed to make a believable Bruce Wayne, which is the first thing you need to think about when mentally casting a new Batman. If you can’t believe the person as Bruce Wayne, then how you will you buy him as Batman?

The thing is, Owen really has that Wayne swagger (yes, you can punch me in the throat for using that word). He can do the charming thing no problem, and when it comes to being a badass, he can pull that off seamlessly as well. Think Sin City as a reference, and he was already jumping out of windows and battling insane psychopaths, which would have set the tone perfectly.

As a matter of fact, I will say it right now, Clive Owen was the PERFECT choice for the new Batman. Someone messed up.

Also, just so you know, if you disagree with this choice, things are gonna get REALLY spicy by the end of this list.