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7 Actors Who Could Replace Ben Affleck In The Batman

The signs are seriously depressing. Whether we want to admit it or not, there are behind-the-scenes issues on the production of The Batman. First, Ben Affleck departed as the director. Then, there were murmurs that the script was going to be rewritten. Now, it seems like he might be retiring his cape and cowl, too. Say it ain't so, Ben!

1) Jon Hamm

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Do yourself a favor: play the Arkham video game series and find any part where Bruce Wayne’s dressed in a suit and tie. Who does he look like? The hair, the jaw line, the voice: it’s Jon Hamm, ladies and gentleman.

If Affleck does call it quits, Hamm might be the most logical replacement. He’s only a year older than Big Ben – and at 6’2″ he’s no small man, either. Also, you cannot deny his undeniable chemistry with Gal Gadot in Keeping Up with the Joneses, setting up all sorts of potential Wonder Woman and Batman escapades.

In terms of acting ability alone, Hamm’s already shown he’s capable of playing a broken, suave man in Mad Men and we’ve seen the extent of action repertoire in The Town. The question is, could he be the savior of The Batman? Abso-damn-lutely.

Tell us, who would you like to see play the Caped Crusader if Ben departs the role? Sound off in the usual place with your thoughts!