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Awesome Oscars Infographic Shows The 85th Academy Awards In Numbers

In case you somehow haven't been paying any attention lately, the 85th Academy Awards are this Sunday night. This Oscar season has been as discussed as any, with controversial snubs (as usual) and 9 exceptional best picture choices, any of which are deserving of the honor (not always the case).

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In case you somehow haven’t been paying any attention lately, the 85th Academy Awards are this Sunday night. This Oscar season has been as discussed as any, with controversial snubs (as usual) and 9 exceptional best picture choices, any of which are deserving of the honor (not always the case).

In order to clarify the night for those who haven’t been glued to their computers reading Oscar predictions and odds, Virgin Movies made an absolutely brilliant infographic breaking down the 85th Academy Awards in numbers that you simply must see.

The infographic has a column for Best Picture nominee stats, which includes the most nominations (Lincoln) and the highest grossing (Life Of Pi). In the Best Actor section we get the information of the favorites according to odds-makers and the actor and actress who have received the most nominations in their career.

The really interesting section is the miscellaneous one. That section tells us that Ang Lee used 4 tigers when filming Life Of Pi, the n-word was used 110 times in Django Unchained, and Best Director snub Ben Affleck has won the award 6 times at other awards shows for his work on Argo.

All the information is neatly laid out in white and set against a red background. It was a great decision to use illustrations instead of photos, as all the illustrations are excellent. This is one of the best pieces of Oscars art I’ve seen, and that’s saying something considering how great the new posters for the Best Picture nominees are.

Thanks again to Virgin for providing this excellent graphic to get Oscar weekend kicked off right.

Check out the full-sized infographic below and then head to the comments section to share your thoughts. Did this graphic provide any information you didn’t already know? Also, feel free to share your picks in any of the categories!