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Awesome New Art Imagines Tom Hiddleston As The Joker

DC fans had their minds blown when it was announced a month ago that an origins movie for the Joker was in the works. Sitting outside the DC Extended Universe, the film is set to feature a new actor as the Clown Prince of Crime in place of Jared Leto. Furthermore, The Hangover's Todd Phillips is directing with legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese on hand to produce.

DC fans had their minds blown when it was announced a month ago that an origins movie for the Joker was in the works. Sitting outside the DC Extended Universe, the film is set to feature a new actor as the Clown Prince of Crime in place of Jared Leto. Furthermore, The Hangover’s Todd Phillips is directing with legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese on hand to produce.

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By leveraging Scorsese’s involvement in the spinoff project, Warner has reportedly set sights on Leonardo DiCaprio for the title role, which would mark the actor’s first major foray into Hollywood’s bustling superhero genre. It would undoubtedly be a historic coup for the studio, but at least at the time of writing, there’s been no mention of Warner Bros. tabling an official deal between both parties. As the rumors continue to swirl though, we now have some more fan art emerging, and it’s rather intriguing.

Following on from photos imagining DiCaprio, Christian Bale and Jackie Earl Haley in the role (all of which can be seen in the gallery below), we now have a brand new piece of art that puts none other than Tom Hiddleston into the Clown Prince of Crime’s shoes.

Unfortunately, given the actor’s Marvel commitments, we don’t see him being able to take the part, but no one can deny that he’d be absolutely perfect for it! Then again, it doesn’t look like Loki will be around for much longer in the MCU, as the franchise is starting to move past its original characters and once Phase 4 kicks off, we don’t imagine that he’ll still be involved. With that in mind, could we possibly see him switch teams and head over to DC? Time will tell, but you certainly won’t hear any complaints from us if he does.

The Joker is still simmering away in the formative stages of development, but we’ll be keeping a close eye on the project as more details begin to emerge. In the meantime, you can share your preliminary thoughts and reactions to the film via the comments section below.