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Avengers: Infinity War’s Post-Credits Scene Left Us With One Big Question

At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, we watch - in horror, might we add - as Thanos does what he promised to earlier in the film - that being snapping his fingers and making half of all life in the universe disappear. He does so while in Wakanda and immediately, we see heroes like Bucky and Black Panther vanish before our very eyes. Meanwhile, on Titan, Iron Man's team sees the same thing, with characters such as Spider-Man turning to dust. It's a shocking and bold way to end things, but what we don't get to see is what's happening in the rest of the world.

Where Has Carol Danvers Been Hiding?

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Captain Marvel

Unfortunately, that’s harder to determine. Likely, she’s off on another planet somewhere, perhaps helping someone else out. Or maybe her and Nick had some kind of falling out and that’s why he’s been so reluctant to reach out to her until now. But there’s also another reason which may make sense, and that would be that Fury has purposefully been keeping Captain Marvel out of harm’s way until they absolutely needed her because he knows she’s the only one who can stop Thanos – a threat that Nick knew was coming.

Think about it for a second. During the post-credits scene, why does Fury call Carol right away, rather than any of the Avengers? He could of easily messaged, say, Stark or Cap, but he turns to Captain Marvel first. Maybe that’s because he knows what’s going on and knows that at this point, she’s Earth’s last hope.

Perhaps even because she’s come up against Thanos before and defeated him? Could she maybe be the one who previously prevented him from achieving his destiny – something the Mad Titan hints at to Gamora in Infinity War?

Of course, this is all just speculation on our part and will remains as such until Captain Marvel hits theaters next year. Still, it’s interesting to think about and you can bet that the internet will be rife with fan theories as folks continue to view Avengers: Infinity War over and over again, desperately searching for any clues they can find.