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The Leading Stars Of Avengers: Infinity War Echo No Spoiler Plea

Jeremy Renner, Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Holland have echoed the Russo Brothers' no spoiler plea ahead of Avengers: Infinity War.

“We’re asking that when you see Infinity War, in the coming months, that you maintain the same level of secrecy so that all fans can have an equal experience when they watch it for the first time. Don’t spoil it for others, the same way you wouldn’t want it spoiled for you.”

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That’s Joe and Anthony Russo there, politely asking viewers that they think twice before spoiling Avengers: Infinity War ahead of time, as doing so will only ruin a cinematic experience 10 years in the making.

Just yesterday, the filmmaking duo posted a heartfelt open letter to the Marvel community, urging fans to take the necessary precautions when discussing Infinity War and its many intricacies on April 27th and beyond. Truth be told, it’ll be difficult to police the post-launch discourse, as many comic book fans have been pining for Avengers: Infinity War for months – if not years.

However that may be, the sequel’s leading stars have now echoed that no spoiler plea, after Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Tom Holland (Spider-Man) and Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye/Ronin) took to Twitter in order to drive home the point that, yes, Thanos demands your silence. And you know what they say about arguing with the Mad Titan…

Flanked by a group of alien baddies known as the Black Order, Thanos has arrived on Earth in search of the all-powerful Infinity Stones. There are six in total, and at least based on Infinity War‘s spectacular pair of trailers, he’s within arm’s reach of collecting two: Power and Space. So we dread to think what will happen if and when he’s acquired all six.

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, here’s a collection of those aforementioned tweets:

Avengers: Infinity War is now beginning to cast a long, purple shadow over theaters, and it’s small wonder why Marvel’s crossover has been pitched as a superhero smackdown for the ages.