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Is Ant-Man Hiding On The Avengers: Infinity War IMAX Poster?

The elusive Scott Lang has been spotted on the official IMAX poster for Avengers: Infinity War. Or at least we think he has...

What’s the one thing Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Nick Fury and Clint Barton all have in common? You know, besides their comic book roots and ties to the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

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Well, for one, and at least so far as we can tell, they’ve all been left by the wayside as Avengers: Infinity War begins to loom over the horizon, leading us to believe that they’ll enjoy sizeable roles in the so-far untitled Avengers 4 – barring Samuel L. Jackson, whose barking commander has instead carved out a role in the 1990s-set Captain Marvel movie.

As for Scott Lang and his newfound partner, Hope Van Dyne, they’ll soon headline Peyton Reed’s pint-sized sequel, Ant-Man and the Wasp, though some fans believe the former hero has been spotted on the official IMAX poster for Infinity War. It’s a stretch, mind you, but peer close enough and you just might see the silhouette of Paul Rudd’s hero clutching on to the Infinity Gauntlet.

Like we said, a stretch. Indeed, according to Empire, there are four hidden IMAX logos to be found in yesterday’s poster – and no, that big white logo on the masthead doesn’t count.

By calling upon the ALEXA IMAX 65mm cameras from Civil War – cameras responsible for that immense airport fight – we know Joe and Anthony Russo captured a significant portion of Avengers: Infinity War for the large-screen format, where fans will be able to gawk at vertically-expanded frames that occupy around 26 percent more screen space. And, frankly, it’s only fitting that Marvel’s biggest ever movie gets the IMAX treatment, just like Black Panther before it.

Avengers: Infinity War opens big on April 27th, and it seems everyone is in for a very special treat.