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Archie Comics decides to throw stones from a glass house as ‘Fast X’ hits theaters

It takes a bonkers series to know a bonkers series.

Brie Larson Fast X
Screengrab via Universal Pictures

We’re at least a third of the way through the final stretch of the Fast & Furious saga now that Fast X is playing in theaters, and, as expected, the latest entry has continued the franchise’s trend of shamelessly leaning into its unprecedented stupidity with the straightest face possible, and the result is the purest, most delightful form of Fast nonsense yet.

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Indeed, no respectable breed of film criticism can or should ever arrive at the conclusion that Fast X is a good movie, per se, but respectable film criticism is such a rare find these days anyway, that we’re more than happy to tip our hats to the fearlessness with which everyone involved has followed their hearts rather than their brains, so to speak.

And while most have collectively agreed to love the franchise from a place that’s maybe not totally sincere, an unlikely Fast roaster has emerged on Twitter, and if this isn’t the boldest move of the year, we don’t know what is.

That’s right; the one and only Archie Comics has opted to poke fun at the Fast franchise in light of Fast X‘s theatrical bow, lampooning the nonsensical upturn that the franchise has taken since its inception.

The irony, of course, is that Archie Comics itself is complicit in one of fiction’s most off-the-chain developments ever, as anyone even slightly aware of Riverdale, the famed Archie Comics Netflix adaptation, can confidently tell you.

It’s all in good fun, of course, but considering Riverdale is one of few the properties that can go toe-to-toe with the Fast franchise in the full-throttle silliness department, you have to wonder how many mirrors Archie Comics had on its hands when making this tweet.

Fast X is now playing in theaters.