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Angel Wants Another Shot At Superman?

Bones and Angel star David Boreanaz apparently wants another shot at Superman. For those who don’t know, David auditioned for the role back when Bryan Singer was gearing up Superman Returns. He didn’t get it, in case some of you just crawled out from under a rock and are on the edge of your seat for an answer. I for one am just taking this as the usual casting news that gets thrown around for every big movie. Zack Snyder and the WB have already stated that they want to go with an unknown and so they should, but I have three different choices.

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Bones and Angel star David Boreanaz apparently wants another shot at Superman. For those who don’t know, David auditioned for the role back when Bryan Singer was gearing up Superman Returns. He didn’t get it, in case some of you just crawled out from under a rock and are on the edge of your seat for an answer. I for one am just taking this as the usual casting news that gets thrown around for every big movie. Zack Snyder and the WB have already stated that they want to go with an unknown and so they should, but I have three different choices.

I believe Brandon Routh was never given the chance to show what he could have done with Superman. Other possible choices I’d like to see include Joe Manganiello (True Blood) or, if they wanted to go the 40’s version and style I’d love to see John Hamm suit up, even it was for one film.

What do you guys think?