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An innocent upcoming action comedy becomes the subject of a far-fetched if fascinating conspiracy

Not entirely outside the realms of possibility.

Image via Apple

Upcoming Apple TV action comedy Ghosted looks like the sort of light, frivolous entertainment that Hollywood can churn out on its sleep without much effort being put in by anyone, which is ironically fitting given the response to a lukewarm first trailer.

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Stars Ana de Armas and Chris Evans generated plenty of onscreen chemistry in Knives Out, which appears to be suspiciously absent from everything we’ve seen from the movie so far. There is a novelty factor to seeing the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s longtime Captain America playing the damsel in distress role, though, but outside of that it all looks very generic.

However, a brand new and fascinating conspiracy theory has started circulating online to try and explain why, and even if it doesn’t make a lot of sense, it’s still fun to consider. Based on a new clip that’s either bizarrely edited or a matter of necessity, it’s been posited that the two stars barely filmed any scenes opposite each other at all, which would at least explain the lack of sparks.

If Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness can film an entire action sequence revolving around Scarlet Witch battling – and decimating – the Illuminati without any two actors being in the same room at the same time, then who’s to say Ghosted couldn’t have gone one better and done it for an entire feature without anyone noticing?

We are living in the age of AI-generated videos and deepfake technology after all, so would it really be all that much of a stretch if Ghosted was secretly a stitch-job?