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The Amazing Spider-Man Six Minute Preview

The Amazing Spider-Man has a rough road ahead of it. As the hype from The Avengers is only just now starting to die down, the hype for The Dark Knight Rises is starting to build up. Marc Webb's new reboot of the web slinger has the unfortunate task of trying to compete with both of the aforementioned superhero juggernauts.

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UPDATE: Sony has asked us to remove the clip.

The Amazing Spider-Man has a rough road ahead of it. As the hype from The Avengers is only just now starting to die down, the hype for The Dark Knight Rises is starting to build up. Marc Webb‘s new reboot of the web slinger has the unfortunate task of trying to compete with both of the aforementioned superhero juggernauts.

Granted, the film will hit theatres over a month after The Avengers touched down and three weeks in advance of The Dark Knight Rises, but still, it faces heavy competition.

And so, as Marvel starts to ease up on their marketing blitz, and Warner Bros. starts to kick into full gear on their campaign for The Dark Knight Rises, we’re left with poor old Sony who are trying desperately to steal some of the hype away.

Admittedly, the studio has done a good job with marketing The Amazing Spider-Man thus far. Everything we’ve seen has been impressive and we’ve definitely seen a lot. In fact, many thought that the campaign was over but then Sony announced that they’d be showing a six minute preview for the film infront of IMAX 3D screenings of Men In Black 3.

For those of you who have no interest in seeing Men In Black 3, we have good news for you. The six minute preview for The Amazing Spider-Man has leaked online and we have it for your viewing pleasure below.

Please note that it’s not perfect quality but it is still very watchable. A lot of it is recycled footage but we do see some new stuff as well, in particular, a cute exchange between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone.

Check it out below and let us know what you think.

The Amazing Spider-Man stars Andrew Garfield, Rhys Ifans, Emma Stone, Denis Leary, Sally Field and Martin Sheen, and is set to hit theatres on July 3rd, 2012.