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Alex Garland Wants To Direct A Swamp Thing Movie For DC

As the DC Extended Universe keeps on growing, Warner Bros. are going to need more and more filmmakers who are passionate about bringing their back catalogue of characters to the big screen. While a ton of directors would love to make a Batman movie, though, it will be harder to directors willing to tackle more obscure heroes. Heroes such as Swamp Thing, for example. In the case of the big green plant man, though, one talented director has come forward to make their love of the character clear.

As the DC Extended Universe keeps on growing, Warner Bros. are going to need more and more filmmakers who are passionate about bringing their back catalogue of characters to the big screen. While a ton of directors would love to make a Batman or Superman movie, it might be tougher to find folks willing to tackle more obscure heroes, like Swamp Thing, for example.

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In the case of the big green plant man, though, one talented filmmaker has now come forward to express their love for the character. While participating in an AMA on Reddit, Annihilation helmer Alex Garland was asked “if given the chance, which comic book characters would you want to write/direct?” Though the question gave him room to leave his options open and suggest several ideas, he only provided one name: Swamp Thing.

When you take a glance at Garland’s filmography, his interest in directing a Swamp Thing movie makes a lot of sense. You just have to look at 2014’s Ex Machina and this year’s Annihilation to see he’s a science fiction whizz, so it’s no surprise that he’s interested in the story of a scientist who’s turned into a disfigured creature when an experiment goes wrong. He’s also dipped his toes into the comic book movie world before, as he wrote the script for 2012’s cult favourite Dredd.

Swamp Thing

Luckily for Garland, if he’s seriously interested in tackling Swamp Thing, there is a project involving him already in the works at DC. Justice League Dark has been passed around by several directors at this point – notably Guillermo del Toro and Doug Liman – so Warner Bros. would likely snap Garland up if he offered to make the supernatural team-up movie for them.

Whether that’ll actually happen or not remains to be seen, but while we wait to learn more, tell us, do you have any interest in a Swamp Thing film? Take to the comments section and let us know.