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A star-studded slasher parody that somehow escaped the depths of developmental hell reignites praise

Who could ever forget this slasher spectacle?

The Cabin in the Woods horror
Photo via Lionsgate

If there’s one aspect within the horror umbrella that is almost guaranteed to be a sure-fire success, it would be the ever-popular slasher sub-genre. One of the reasons the slasher category is such a beaming piece of cinema is due to the traditional tropes that are perfectly implemented — including psychopathic killers, the innocent final girl, and the uncertainty of whether the carnage is truly over or not. And while most horror parodies completely fail to miss the mark, 2011’s The Cabin in the Woods refused to fall in line with the rest.

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Flash forward over 10 years later, and the sci-fi slasher extravaganza has returned to reclaim praise all over again — especially over on the r/horror subreddit, where user u/grahamsm123 applauded the movie’s unique dive into slasher tropes and its unforgettable ending sequence. In that same sentiment, the OP remains confident that the film will continue to hold up for years and years to come.

And despite the movie being stuck in developmental hell for years, after MGM shelved it due to financial woes, fellow horror fanatics had nothing but kind words to say in regards to Drew Goddard’s directorial debut — which has easily become a bonafide cult classic.

byu/grahamsm123 from discussion
byu/grahamsm123 from discussion
byu/grahamsm123 from discussion

Without question, Goddard’s attempt to revitalize the slasher sub-genre was a definite success, and while some critics have argued that the film harbors far too much satire, there’s no denying that genre stans will continue to commend the movie and keep it on their watchlists for the perfect horror movie marathon.