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A nerve-jangling psychological project being dubbed ‘the greatest horror ever made’ ignites an online war

To be fair, there's plenty of 'great' horrors.

Image via Tri-Star Pictures

Throughout the course of horror movie history, there has undoubtedly been a massive string of psychological projects which have perplexed viewers and completely made our skin crawl. And while many of these movies have been remembered in time as genre-bending masterpieces, it’s hard to discount the fact that Jacob’s Ladder reigns supreme as one of the biggest eye-popping psychological horrors in existence. In fact, its popularity has proven to be so impactful that it’s now being referred to as “the greatest horror ever made.”

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The initial argument was insisted by user u/JunoDreams over on the r/horror subreddit. In their post, JunoDreams referred to the film as “an immaculate work” that is surely deserving of the highest praise. That being said, the OP did open up the floodgates of discussions and offered fellow commenters below to push forward their own choices.

And in typical opinionated fashion, horror fanatics weren’t going to take that label lying down. On the contrary, Redditors took a golden opportunity to emerge from the shadows to nominate their choice for the greatest horror movie ever made. Unsurprisingly, a large handful of commenters joined together to insist that Alien remains the undisputed greatest.

byu/JunoDreams from discussion
byu/JunoDreams from discussion
byu/JunoDreams from discussion

As influential as Alien was and continues to be, it’s hard to disagree with the lingering cinematic trauma that Jacob’s Ladder left upon ‘90s horror die-hards. Even to this day, the psychological extravaganza proves to be a difficult rewatch, although one could definitely argue that Sigourney Weaver’s blood-curdling Alien scream is tough to forget.