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9 WTF Moments In Captain America: Civil War

With a 94% score on Rotten Tomatoes, Captain America: Civil War is - in the eyes of critics at least - one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. It's the highest-rated MCU movie to date and has been a killer so far at the box office; a hell of a way to kick off Phase Three of the Marvel Universe. It's also a damn weird movie when it wants to be.

5) The Vision/Scarlet Witch Romance

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Captain America and Sharon Carter’s isn’t the only awkward hookup in Civil War. Somewhere around the end of the first act, with Scarlet Witch under virtual house arrest and Vision left to baby sit, we discover that a spark is also developing there, between the purple humanoid one and the oddly-accented spell-conjuring one, making for a strange match made no less strange by the fact that this romance already happened in the comics.


He’s a synthetic robot man who’s barely a year old, with an innocent, child-like wonder about the world and a jewel stuck in the middle of his forehead. She’s a young Sokovian woman with magic powers. At some point you have to wonder how that’s even going to work in the long-term. Who knows, but Vision seems happy to try and make it happen, cooking for Wanda and gazing longingly into her eyes as he opens up about the pain of being made out of zeroes and ones.