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9 Upcoming Movie Sequels That We Don’t Really Need

Right now, it seems that the movie industry is almost entirely made up of sequels and prequels, and reboots and revamps. Some of them are very welcome – like the new Star Wars films – while others are at least intriguing – the new female-led Ghostbusters, for example.

3) Die Hard: Year One

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The Die Hard series is another franchise that suffers from largely ever-decreasing sequels, with the fifth film, A Good Day to Die Hard, being far and away the worst. As such, the news that a sixth instalment would be made – and that it would be a prequel to boot – was met with a universal facepalm.

For one, the first Die Hard tells us all we need to know about John McClane’s backstory – so there is no need to show us, say, how he meets his wife Holly or his younger days as a cop. The regular big issue with prequels applies here as well – where are the stakes if we know where all the characters end up?

One plus side of this could have been that it would give Bruce Willis a rest, as he has been phoning his way through the role lately. However, that is not the case, as the film will be half-prequel and half-sequel, so Willis will still get a chunk of the action.

At this rate, the next film should be called Just Die Hard Already.