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9 Upcoming Movie Sequels That We Don’t Really Need

Right now, it seems that the movie industry is almost entirely made up of sequels and prequels, and reboots and revamps. Some of them are very welcome – like the new Star Wars films – while others are at least intriguing – the new female-led Ghostbusters, for example.

4) Mary Poppins 2

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Alongside the many live-action versions of their animated classics, Disney recently made the surprise announcement that they were developing a new Mary Poppins film. Rather than a remake of the original, it will be a sequel. Though obviously featuring a brand-new cast.

For starters, no one has been going mad in the 52 years since the film’s release wondering where Julie Andrews went next, after flying away from London at the movie’s close. In any case, we’ve basically already had a couple of new Mary Poppins films in recent years with Emma Thompson’s so-so Nanny McPhee movies.

While it will no doubt be a successful venture for Disney in box office takings, a Mary Poppins sequel will never be as beloved a film as the first one. We’ll need more than a spoonful of sugar to help this one go down.