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9 Things You May Not Know About Avengers: Infinity War

The Film Will Be Released Earlier To The Overseas Market

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Much like most of the Marvel films, Avengers: Infinity War will be released earlier in the UK – April 25, 2018 – than the US, which will only receive it on May 4, 2018. But why does Marvel do this?

According to their head honcho, Kevin Feige, it all came about as an experiment when Iron Man 2 and Thor were released back in 2010 and 2011 respectively. Basically, Marvel realized that several countries observed holidays at the end of April; therefore, making it advantageous for films to drop during the holiday period when people generally flock to the cinema. The move seemed to work and bolstered the sales figures, so the company continued the trend from that point forward.

Additionally, Feige believes that this overseas-first model aids the U.S. market since it helps build up hype and word of mouth, as well as gain worldwide box-office momentum. While there’s certainly value in doing this, it must be horrendous for the people who suffer from FOMO like us. Also, it sucks when films get leaked onto the torrents super early because of stuff like this.