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9 Superhero Movies From The 1990s That You Should Revisit

We're enjoying such a glut of superhero films right now - with everything from cinematic mainstays like Batman and Spider-Man to lesser-known properties like Suicide Squad and Doctor Strange. As such, it's hard to remember the less-populated years of the 1990s, where putting a costumed crusader in your movie wasn’t a surefire success.

6) The Shadow (1994)

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Shadow, Superhero movies

The same year as The Crow, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie adaptation of early superhero Lamont Cranston AKA The Shadow. If it’s remembered for anything, The Shadow is merely seen as an attempt from Universal to cash in on the success of the similarly-themed Batman movies. That’s a little unfair, though, as there is much to merit the film in its own right.

As with a lot of the movies on this list, The Shadow has a brilliant visual palette, with a lot of noir-ish and art deco elements. It also sports a sumptuous score from composer Jerry Goldsmith. Plus, Ian McKellen and Tim Curry turn up – and who doesn’t love those two?

5) The Mask (1994)


1994 was definitely the year of obscure comic book character making it to the screen. Whereas The Crow and The Shadow didn’t make much money and have lived on only as cult films, Jim Carrey’s The Mask was one of the smash hits of the year. Still, it isn’t talked about much these days, which is a great shame.

At the top of his game at the time, the madcap, OTT character of The Mask is a perfect match for Carrey’s rubber-faced talents. The script is full of quotable lines, as well, and it remains one of the funniest comic book movies ever. There’s also Cameron Diaz in her first ever film role, with what must be one of the most iconic entrances in all of cinema.

This one is a rare example of a childhood favourite that has actually stood the test of time. Sssmokin’!