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9 Ways That Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns Influenced Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Director Zack Snyder has outright stated that Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is heavily influenced by what Frank Miller did with his three graphic novel series, especially The Dark Knight Returns, where an older, more grizzled versions of Superman and Batman fight each other.

3) Batman Is Older And Retired In Both The Film And Novel

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In the graphic novels, Batman is in his mid-fifties has been retired for 10 years. He’s given up on fighting crime, as well, until a new threat appears in the form of Superman, who in the novel is an ally of the government.

In the movie, Batman is in his mid-forties and has also been retired for some years. Bruce Wayne is seen in the trailer a few times sporting grey sideburns, and actor Ben Affleck, who plays the Caped Crusader, has said that Snyder convinced him to take the role by explaining that this Batman is world-weary and beaten down, and would be a very different take in comparison to how the character has been portrayed in film before.

However, it won’t be all that different when compared to what we saw in Miller’s novels.