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9 Important Moments From The Doctor Strange Trailer

Amongst the surefire superhero hits coming out this year like Captain America: Civil War, X-Men: Apocalypse and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (wait, scratch that last one), Doctor Strange – like Deadpool before it – is more of a riskier move. The idea of introducing magic into the Marvel Cinematic Universe could be too much and derail, if not the whole franchise, then that specific movie.

5) The Astral Plane

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One of Doctor Strange’s most frequently used abilities in the comics is his power to leave his body and traverse the astral plane as a spirit. It wasn’t clear just how faithful the movie would be to the comics, but this signature element is certainly present and correct in the trailer.

On film, this ability easily could have been goofy, but Doctor Strange looks to be pitching it right. We also love the idea of the Ancient One simply punching Stephen Strange’s soul right out of his body.

We don’t see any evidence of it here, but we hope the movie also sees Strange using his Cloak of Levitation to fly. This is surely a cert, as flying is a far more readily-accepted superpower that turning into a ghost.