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9 Important Moments From The Doctor Strange Trailer

Amongst the surefire superhero hits coming out this year like Captain America: Civil War, X-Men: Apocalypse and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (wait, scratch that last one), Doctor Strange – like Deadpool before it – is more of a riskier move. The idea of introducing magic into the Marvel Cinematic Universe could be too much and derail, if not the whole franchise, then that specific movie.

8) The Ancient One

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Ever since Tilda Swinton was cast in Doctor Strange as the Ancient One, there has been a lot of talk about how the character would be presented. In the comics, Strange’s mentor is an old, Asian man – basically the completely opposite of Swinton in every way.

The actress is a dab hand at playing androgynous, enigmatic roles, however, and that seems to be what they have chosen her for here – the trailer shows that Swinton shaved her head for the role.

The decision to cast Swinton as the previously Asian character was met with derision by some, who labelled it “whitewashing.” However, the alternative would be following the hoary old stereotype of an old Asian guy as the hero’s mentor, so this is perhaps a clever move by Marvel.