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9 Easter Eggs You Need To Look Out For In Doctor Strange

The latest Marvel movie, Doctor Strange, is finally here – and, wouldn’t you know it, it’s another solid, enjoyable entry into the ever reliable Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sure, there are niggles to be had, but the amazing visuals, the great cast and the unique appeal of a magical superhero more than make up for minor issues. Now, we just have to wait and see if it will be another financial hit for the studio.

3) The Eye Of Agamotto

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The most significant artifact in the movie is the Eye of Agamotto, which Strange uses to turn back time and save the whole of reality from Dormammu. Just as fans had predicted previously, the final scenes of the movie reveal that it is not just any ancient magical item but is in fact an Infinity Stone.

If you don’t know what an Infinity Stone is (shame on you!), these are the hugely powerful gems that are scattered throughout the Marvel universe. So far, we’ve had the Space Stone (AKA the Tesseract from The First Avenger and The Avengers), the Mind Stone (formerly in Loki’s staff and now inside Vision’s head), the Reality Stone (from Thor: The Dark World) and finally, the Power Stone (seen in Guardians of the Galaxy).

The upcoming Avengers: Infinity War, coming in 2018, will see the Mad Titan Thanos seek out the Infinity Stones in a bid for universal domination. The fact that Strange has the Time Stone makes for an easy way for him to team up with the Avengers, as he surely will.