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9 Easter Eggs You Need To Look Out For In Doctor Strange

The latest Marvel movie, Doctor Strange, is finally here – and, wouldn’t you know it, it’s another solid, enjoyable entry into the ever reliable Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sure, there are niggles to be had, but the amazing visuals, the great cast and the unique appeal of a magical superhero more than make up for minor issues. Now, we just have to wait and see if it will be another financial hit for the studio.

4) The Cloak Of Levitation And Other Artifacts

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The magic of Doctor Strange isn’t the Harry Potter style of verbal spells and wand-waving. Rather, it’s all about conjuring symbols learnt from ancient tones and using artifacts. Just about all of these that feature in the movie are drawn from the comics.

For one, Wong is seen wielding the Wand of Watoomb at the climax. There are actually six of these scattered in different dimensions in the comics, which are commonly cultivated by Dormammu and his disciples. Another is the Vaulting Boots of Valtor, a reference to a gaseous foe of Strange’s.


Meanwhile, Mordo’s choice of weapon is the Staff of the Living Tribunal. While the staff is new, the Living Tribunal is one of the most all-powerful beings in the Marvel comics universe who only intervenes when the cosmic balance is threatened.

Finally, Strange gains his red Cloak of Levitation in the movie when it gains a fondness for him. While it doesn’t show this sort of sentience in the comics, its playfulness is presumably a nod to Disney’s Aladdin, which features a personified magic carpet.