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9 Comic Book Characters That Are Funnier Than Deadpool

Rocket Raccoon

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Okay, you got us. Rocket’s cuteness as a furry creature instantly makes him more endearing to us. But you can’t deny that he’s a sharpshooter with both guns and jokes, and we love him for it.

While Groot is the heart of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket remains its soul, influencing missions with his quirks and mad mannerisms. Sure, his jokes can be lame at times, but whose aren’t? You can’t help but laugh along with him even when you don’t know why.

Considering his best friend is a tree, he has to branch out (sorry not sorry for that bad pun) and be the funny one here. It’s safe to say he’s succeeded in his role. In fact, given the choice to watch Rocket or Deadpool as a stand-up act, we’d have to go with the furry marksman over the wisecracking humorist any day.