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9 Comic Book Characters That Are Funnier Than Deadpool


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When you think of Wolverine, you wouldn’t exactly think of the word ‘funny,’ now would you? Well, you’re wrong. Wolvie is one heck of a comedian. In fact, some of his best moments have involved his team-ups with Deadpool, where the two Canadians have put on a comedy show of note – namely when Logan threatens to stab him repeatedly.

Venturing into the deadpan territory, the ol’ Canucklehead doesn’t miss the opportunity to pass a stinging remark or droll observation, either. His exchanges with the boring Scott Summers, AKA Cyclops, have become rather legendary, as he cuts even deeper than his claws ever could. And when he’s in the mood, he also makes sure the villains know just how useless they are with a berserker barrage of creative insults.

There’s a reason that everyone wants to see Wolverine and Deadpool in a film together (X-Men Origins: Wolverine doesn’t count). Ryan Reynolds might think he’s got the leg up here in the comedy department, but we’re certain that Hugh Jackman could give him a run for his money.

Beast Boy

If you’ve been following our lists, you’re well aware of how much we dig Garfield Logan, AKA Beast Boy. So, it should come as no surprise that he’d find his way onto this one as well. And he’s here on merit, too, we’ll have you know.

As a fun-loving prankster, Beastie loves to lighten up the mood and make everyone smile with his endless gags. Unfortunately, some of the sour members of the Teen Titans don’t always appreciate his jovial nature, but no one cares about the opinions of a couple of salty crackers. They’re just a bunch of hormonal teenagers trying to act like grownups. How lame!

As DC continues to proclaim its film universe will be less dark and gritty, there’s a need for characters like Beast Boy to be introduced in the continuity. With his humor and affinity for the wild and whacky, he could prove to be DC’s breakout comedy star.