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9 Comic Book Characters That Are Funnier Than Deadpool

The Joker

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Oh, please, are you telling me that the Joker isn’t the funniest character in the whole comic book world? I mean, he has the word ‘joke’ in his name, so that says enough. Also, Mark Hamill has voiced him countless times; thus, this makes him instantly superior to anyone else purely for that reason alone.

From “The Laughing Fish” to “Joker’s Favor,” there’s a host of tales that feature the psychopath’s more humorous side. Of course he pushes the boundaries of moral decency and probably wouldn’t be anyone’s first choice as a dinner guest, but at least he isn’t afraid to smile and have a good laugh every few minutes. Couldn’t we all learn a valuable lesson from that?

Undoubtedly, one of the Joker’s funniest moments came from The New Batman Adventures. After inheriting millions of dollars and discovering it was all fake, the Clown Prince of Crime proudly declares, “I’m crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? No, thank you.” Now, that’s comedy!