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9 Comic Book Characters That Are Funnier Than Deadpool


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Holy laughing gas, Batman! From his early days as the Dark Knight’s protégé to his current incarnation as Blüdhaven’s not-so-silent protector, Dick Grayson has always had a pun for every occasion. Let’s not forget the amount of “Dick” jokes we’ve been subjected to over the years due to him inexplicably refusing to be called Richard.

Much like Spidey, Nightwing is also a jabberer during battle, choosing to provide audio commentary as he flips from side to side and breaks a few jaws in the process. He might have a serious streak when necessary (blame that one on the Batman), but he certainly isn’t averse to turning up the heat and leaving some sick burns as well. In fact, he’s quite the troll, putting some of our more hateful commentators to shame.

Watching his interactions with Bruce Wayne are almost always entertaining, as Dick pokes fun at his legal guardian’s stoic nature and demeanor. They might be similar in many ways and hold the same strong values, but it’s good to see that the former Boy Wonder inherited Alfred’s sense of humor and not Bruce’s.